
  • Die transformative Kraft von Yoga: Wie regelmäßige Praxis Körper und Geist verändert

    Die transformative Kraft von Yoga: Wie regelmäßige Praxis Körper und Geist verändertYoga ist mehr als nur eine körperliche Übung. Es ist eine Praxi...
  • Was ist Yoga?

    Yoga ist eine ganzheitliche Praxis, die aus Indien stammt und eine Verbindung von Körper, Geist und Seele anstrebt. Es ist ein System von körperlic...
  • Personalized yoga mats and blocks

    Tested for the first time during the market in Portals, we are happy to be able to offer you personalized yoga mats and blocks from now on. Our las...
  • Find us at the Portals Summer Market 2022

    Dear yogis, we are happy to announce that for the first time ever we will present and sell our products personally. You will find us at the Portals...
  • Mallorca Magazin Article about us

  • Yoga Retreat in Majorca

      Spending a relaxing yoga holiday in Mallorca?A few years ago yoga was labeled as a discipline for hippies or people who spent too much time in G...
  • The benefits of planting trees for our planet

    WHY ARE TREES IMPORTANT TO THE ENVIRONMENT? Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the ...
  • The meaning of “Namasté”

    Namasté. You have often heard this word from your yoga teacher - usually at the end of your yoga class. Together in the group you bow and agree to ...
  • TPE yoga mats - PVC free lightweight

    Yoga mats made of TPE are lightweight, with a soft surface and good cushioning. They are latex-free and more environmentally friendly than PVC. Wha...
  • What does an Acupressure Mat actually do?

    Acupressure mats are designed to produce similar results as acupressure massage for muscle-pain relief and relaxation after a long day. From Tradit...
  • The 7 chakras

    The word "chakra" literally means spinning wheel. Yoga maintains that chakras are center points of energy, thoughts, feelings, and the physical bo...
  • The philosophy of yoga

    To convey its spiritual message and guide sessions, yoga often uses the imagery of a tree with roots, a trunk, branches, blossoms, and fruits. Eac...